Sunday, April 21, 2013


So for our class this semester, our projects included making a pair of tailored pants and jacket for ourselves. These would be the best fitting pants and jacket we would ever own, said our teacher. I had already heard the stories as I got ready to start this Contemporary and Couture Tailoring class. It's hard, you'll die, you'll cry, and you're gonna hate yourself were some of the things people that had already taken it told me about the class. Of course, by my first day I was already scared and expecting the worst. You know how every major has that one class that either makes you or breaks you? Well, this was it for the Apparel Design and Product Development students. By the first week two students had already switched to Merch. I thought, "this is serious...."

Well fast forward to today when we have like only two weeks of class left, I am still waiting for that "OMG this is so hard! I'm never gonna get this right, I'm gonna flunk!" moment....still waiting....

I mean it has not been an easy class at all. And I mean that in that it takes like 99% of my time. Seriously, I have had to stay up sewing til 2:00 or 3:00 am only to get up at 7:00am and finish sewing before my class starts at 9:30am. And even though I may feel like dying at the moment (when I have been working on the same seam for what seems endless hours or my teacher tells me to re-do something) I know I will eventually get it right and will never (ever!) forget how to do it next time.

I love how everyone that has stayed in the class works hard and is willing to help out each other whether it be with the group texts late at night explaining how they did a step or letting you borrow their pins!

Dr. S. is one of the best teachers I have ever had (and I'm not just saying that because she'll be reading this). Seriously, I have learned more in just this one semester than I have had my previous three semesters here combined.  Now I just have to survive through my senior collection next year and I will be fine! As long as you work hard for what you want, you'll be fine, no matter how hard or impossible other people tell you it will be.

I leave you now with some sewing memes only a few of you can  relate to:

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