Monday, April 29, 2013

Frank Gehry Inspiration

One of our projects this semester is looking at the buildings and sculptures of one famous architect and using them as inspiration to create three new looks. In May we will then have to do a presentation that includes the three looks we make as well as what materials we used for them and why. 

My partner and I have to do our project on Frank Gehry.
This architect’s sculptures are known for being inspired by fish and deconstructivism. In fact, he has even been criticized for using a lot of dead space in his buildings. Gehry is known for working with steel and metallic colors such as golds, greys, silvers, and some blues. The textures of his designs are usually smooth and ‘scaly’ looking. For the sketches that we had to come up with, we decided to keep the metallic colors he is known for using such as silver and gold. 


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