Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Doggy Fashion

One of the newest trends these past few years is dressing up your furry best friends in cute and adorable outfits. Although this is totes adorable, these clothes can be quite expensive!!
How cute is this little fellow?

If the expensive prices are what's deferring you from dressing your puppy in the latest trends, fear not. I have a solution. Look for old clothes or pieces of fabric you may have laying around your house and start cutting away. You don't know how to sew? No problem; use super-hot glue if you have cut more than one piece of fabric. I decided to make my Chihuahua a denim vest.

Here's what I did: I found a sleeve of a denim jacket I had already re-fashioned (blog entry: The Perfect Denim Vest) and used that sleeve to make a vest for my doggy. I did not even have to sew up anything! I just had to figure out where I wanted her front legs to be and cut two holes there.I also trimmed the sleeve so it would not look so long on Chiquita. I had some studs laying around too so I added those to the vest as well and eventually got this.
Chiquita looks so hardcore.

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