Sunday, November 18, 2012

My fall line 2012

So for fashion illustration we had to create a clothing line either for fall or spring. I chose fall. We were responsible for coming up with five different outfits and coming up with the fabrics we would use for our outfits. Leather was one of my main fabrics. We then had to come up with a color scheme. I chose blue because I keep seeing blue everywhere lately. We then had to draw the five outfits on croquis and here is what mine looked like:

Illustrating was not as hard as I envisioned it to be. This has been one of my favorite classes I have ever taken and I have learned so much!
Here is another favorite from the class: Sequin dresses!

Monday, October 22, 2012


So you want to be a Cholo? According to wikiHow, to be a ‘cholo’ there are three certain steps you should follow: The first step is to look like a cholo. Wear black, navy, or brown pants that are 8 sizes too big; remember you’re going for the ‘baggy’ look. Buy some plain white tees, striped polos, or button up shirts. If it’s winter time, wear plaid flannel jackets. Again, the shirts should be at least 3 times larger than what you usually wear. Wear some tight shoes that won’t slip off easily when you have to run. Knee high socks, military belts, and black beanies are a must. The second step is to lean like a cholo . Don’t let anyone disrespect you. Don’t back down. Don’t move out of the way for anyone unless it’s a homie or a lady. Be mean and aggressive. Learn how to fight. The third step is to speak Spanglish. Mix your English and Spanish. Use a Spanish accent when speaking in English. Add “vato”, “foo”, “way”, “ese” to your vocabulary. If you see one of your friends yell out “Orale vato!” or “What up, homie!”

You’re almost ready to be a Cholo but not quite there yet. Get some Cholo music like oldies, funk, homeboy rap, old school. Guys, get cholo haircuts like fades or shaved heads. Ladies, draw your eyebrows on your forehead with a black sharpie and put on a dark shade of lip liner on those lips, but remember no lipstick, I mean, you don’t wanna look dumb. Don’t wear the wrong colors unless you are ready for a beat down. And if you don’t know anything, don’t say anything at all.

“Cholo” usually refers to a Mexican-American youth associated with a street gang. Cholos became very popular in 2007 with Down aka Kilo’s popular song “Lean Like a Cholo”; Fergie and Gwen Stefani have also used the chola image in their music videos. If you thought Cholos could only be found in L.A., you were wrong. This Mexican-American movement that originated during the 1940s to the 1970s has now reached Japan.. Lowriding has become very popular in Japan in recent years and you can now find youtube videos of Japanese cholo artists mixing English, Japanese, and Spanish. These konnichiwa homies can now even do their shopping at a store that caters specifically to them, located in Shibuya.

Frida Kahlo

When we think of style icons, Frida Kahlo is probably not the first person to come to mind. Most of us had probably not even heard of her until Salma Hayek starred in her movie. Born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacan, Mexico to a German father, Frida Kahlo was destined for controversy and fame. Her father Guillermo Kahlo was born in Germany but migrated to Mexico in 1891 at the age of 19 and her mother Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez was of indigenous and Spanish descent. Frida had three sisters and remained close to her dad through most of her life. In 1910, the Mexican Revolution began and Frida would claim she was born in this same year so people would associate the revolution with her.

When Frida was six years old, she was infected with polio which made her right leg thinner than the other; she learned to disguise this by wearing long skirts or dresses. Adding to this, Kahlo suffered a car accident when she was 18 that left her spinal column and pelvis broken in different places. It was during this time of recovery that she began painting as an emotional and spiritual outlet. Most of her paintings are self-portraits and they are very graphic clearly showing her pain and suffering. Because of her accident, Frida was never able to have children and would even have a leg amputated years later. Frida married the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera in 1929, divorced him in 1939, and remarried him in 1940. Frida Kahlo was openly bisexual and had many extramarital affairs with both men and women.

We can still see Frida Kahlo’s influence in fashion today; take for example an editorial from last year’s Mexican Vogue. Many fashion designers have also drawn inspiration from the tragic Frida Kahlo including Anna Sui, Sussane Bisovsky, Liu Xing, and Armando Mafud. Frida Kahlo loved mixing different eclectic patterns and prints, primitive styles, and bright colors both in her paintings and clothing. Frida loved to wear long skirts, indigenous blouses, and braids interwoven with big hair accessories such as bright flowers or head bands.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Studs & Spikes

I bet most of you guys have noticed the trend right now is to have studs and spikes on everything you own. I bet most of you own a piece of clothing or accessory with studs or spikes. What's great about this trend is that you can dress it up or down. Studs and spikes go with everything! So if you wanna be rock glam or cutesy girly, no worries!

This trend can be found in many price ranges from the most expensive one like a Burberry trenchcoat to the DIY accessories.

Etsy and Ebay are also great websites to find your studs and spikes. You can buy your studs and spikes and embellish your own clothes like I do!

I also found these cute shoes on Ebay that I just had to get! I mean, are they not cute or what??

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The 1940's

From 1941 to 1945, the U.S. was fighting alongside England and the Allied Powers against the Nazi Germans and the Japanese. Although the war had very negative and devastating effects on the people, it also gave them the opportunity to work in factories supplying for the Allies. Women took the jobs that were previously reserved for men. Because men were fighting in the war and women had to work to provide for their children, we began to see the beginning of teenage delinquency. If we had lived in these times, we would have found an escape from reality in Hollywood movies, radio broadcasting, and Seventeen magazine, which came to existence in 1944.
During these life-changing times, many advances were made in science and technology. For example, frozen dinners were first introduced in the 40’s making life so much easier for women and without which, most of us would have probably starved to death by now.  Synthetic fibers were created for the first time ever. Also, the federal government told the people what shoes, fabrics, and food were allowed for them to have. Thus, imagine living in those times and owning only one or two pairs of shoes…Impossible! At the time, the U.S. found itself isolated from many European countries. This isolation soon proved to be the commencement of many of our favorite American designers we have today, Claire Danes being one of them.
Claire Danes was an important designer in the 40’s who created separate clothing garments with rationed fabrics. If we had lived in these times, we would have seen most of our friends wear platform shoes and hats. In addition, the 40’s was a time when hemlines became higher at the same time that necklines became lower. We can also thank the 1940’s for introducing padded shoulders. On the other hand, stockings, which had become very popular, could not be found during the 40’s, but that did not stop the ladies from looking fashionable. We would have improvised drawing seams in the back of our legs with eyeliner! Also, ladies wore evening dresses that were long and showed off their backs. Following this trend were Joan Crawford and Rita Hayworth, the Scarlett Johansson and Sarah Jessica Parker of the 40’s, dressing to impress. Moreover, 1947 was the year when Christian Dior introduced feminine flared dresses with very tight waists.

So as you can see, the 1940’s introduced us to so many new trends in fashion that we now have and love. After the launching of Seventeen, many more fashion magazines followed. Also, the number or department and retail stores increased soon after everywhere around the world, letting us shop ‘til we drop! The 1940’s influence on fashion can be seen today including men’s polo shirts and sportswear and the elegant glamorous dresses the stars wear on the red carpet.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Science, Vampires, & Sexy Leather

When thinking about science, fashion is not the first thing we picture in our minds. What does the color red represent to you? Love? Passion? Blood? And would you be willing to dress in leather from head to toes?

Red is going to be everywhere. Hair will not be the only place we find different hues of the color red. Handbags, shoes, hats, lipstick, nail polish. Everything goes. I think we are all loving red so much in part due to our fascination with vampires lately. Who hasn’t seen Twilight or the Vampire Diaries? I mean even real people are biting other people. But that’s a whole different topic… If you feel brave enough you can wear different shades of red from head to toes and make a statement.

Leather is making a comeback. And it is not just your typical leather jacket. We are going to see leather handbags, leather pants, leather corsets, leather lingerie, leather dresses. Punks, bikers, cowboys, and James Dean are no longer the only ones allowed to wear leather. Anyone, male or female, can wear leather and look good in it. And prices range from really expensive to affordable and styles range from classic to very out there. Although black leather is what will be popular, other colors will not be off limits. So, again, if you can pull it off, anything goes. However, if you are really against wearing animal skin, there are other options for you like synthetic leather or vinyl that pretty much contain the same features.

Star Trek, the Fifth Element, Resident Evil. What do these Sci-fi movies have to do with fashion you say? Futuristic prints, colors, and shapes are taking over. Think of the movie “The Hunger Games.” One of the reasons the movie was so popular was due in part to the one of a kind fashion portrayed in it, like the red dress on fire that Katniss wore for her interview. An important part of this futuristic trend is the use of color. Neon highlighter colors were really popular back in the 80’s and we are going to see them again. Sort of the “80’s Meets Science.” Simple geometric shapes in very bright colors and different textures; what Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga’s cyber fashion would be in their music videos. We can even see some of this futuristic trend taking over hairstyles and haircolors already.

All three of these trends can be worn together. It’s important to know, that you decide how you want to wear these colors, prints, or textures. What’s good about these trends is that you can dress them up and wear them to an elegant occasion or keep it plain and just wear it as an everyday look. You can look sexy or trendy, whatever you choose. They’re perfect for day or night. So which do you think will be your favorite trend this fall?


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Perfect Denim Vest

Now that I have gotten my sewing machine and with the new Pinterest app I have discovered the world of refashion. There are so many blogs to give you ideas. You can alter other people's clothes (like this girl who has a blog about her Goodwill extra large purchases and refashioning them into cute clothes to fit her) or altering you own old clothing garments sitting in the back, wayyy back of your closet.

So right now one of your must have fashion staples is the jean vest. There are so many styles and you can wear your vest with skinny jeans, skirts, dresses, sweaters, etc. Your vest can be embellished with flowers, studs, or lace.

So I decided I liked the studded vest the best. I found an old denim jacket and just cut off the sleeves. I could have sewn in the armholes but thought the raw edge was the kind of look I was going for. After I finished cutting off the sleeves, I placed studs on certain parts of the vest.
Here is what it ended up looking like:
Not too bad huh??