Sunday, September 16, 2012

The 1940's

From 1941 to 1945, the U.S. was fighting alongside England and the Allied Powers against the Nazi Germans and the Japanese. Although the war had very negative and devastating effects on the people, it also gave them the opportunity to work in factories supplying for the Allies. Women took the jobs that were previously reserved for men. Because men were fighting in the war and women had to work to provide for their children, we began to see the beginning of teenage delinquency. If we had lived in these times, we would have found an escape from reality in Hollywood movies, radio broadcasting, and Seventeen magazine, which came to existence in 1944.
During these life-changing times, many advances were made in science and technology. For example, frozen dinners were first introduced in the 40’s making life so much easier for women and without which, most of us would have probably starved to death by now.  Synthetic fibers were created for the first time ever. Also, the federal government told the people what shoes, fabrics, and food were allowed for them to have. Thus, imagine living in those times and owning only one or two pairs of shoes…Impossible! At the time, the U.S. found itself isolated from many European countries. This isolation soon proved to be the commencement of many of our favorite American designers we have today, Claire Danes being one of them.
Claire Danes was an important designer in the 40’s who created separate clothing garments with rationed fabrics. If we had lived in these times, we would have seen most of our friends wear platform shoes and hats. In addition, the 40’s was a time when hemlines became higher at the same time that necklines became lower. We can also thank the 1940’s for introducing padded shoulders. On the other hand, stockings, which had become very popular, could not be found during the 40’s, but that did not stop the ladies from looking fashionable. We would have improvised drawing seams in the back of our legs with eyeliner! Also, ladies wore evening dresses that were long and showed off their backs. Following this trend were Joan Crawford and Rita Hayworth, the Scarlett Johansson and Sarah Jessica Parker of the 40’s, dressing to impress. Moreover, 1947 was the year when Christian Dior introduced feminine flared dresses with very tight waists.

So as you can see, the 1940’s introduced us to so many new trends in fashion that we now have and love. After the launching of Seventeen, many more fashion magazines followed. Also, the number or department and retail stores increased soon after everywhere around the world, letting us shop ‘til we drop! The 1940’s influence on fashion can be seen today including men’s polo shirts and sportswear and the elegant glamorous dresses the stars wear on the red carpet.

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